AreaScanIR™ Professional
This service provides infrared roof surveys for roofing professionals (roof consultants, roofing contractors and roofing manufacturers) who want to efficiently see the condition of flat roofs over a large area. Our imagery provides roof moisture information that makes it easier to find and market to building owners in need of roof repairs.
AreaScanIR™ Professional can be a powerful sales tool. Cold-calling a roof owner to allow one of your roofing professionals a chance to evaluate their roof is a tough proposition these days. If you know the owner’s roof has a wet substrate, you know they will need your services. Being able to do quick infrared roof surveys and evaluations of roofs before you call can be the linchpin in the sales process, allowing your roofing professional in the front door.
Your marketing department could be flying high today…
Understanding Aerial Infrared Roof Imagery

Infrared Thermography (IRt) is a well-known and proven non-destructive testing (NDT) method used to find moisture trapped in most roof types. We have flown over large areas of cities with high concentrations of flat and low-sloped roofs and we have collected thermal infrared imagery. In some areas, we have also collected visible light imagery. We are willing to license the use of this imagery to be used by your company for specific purposes.
When an image is taken by our infrared camera, it is digitally saved to a hard drive and later converted to a digital image file with the help of a computer. The image may then be modified in a number of ways to enhance its value to the end user. The highest resolution infrared images are usually found on the raw digital files, while the mosaic ortho-rectified imagery may be useful as a convenient reference when making building roof drawings or accompanying roof reports.
Areas of roof moisture contamination often manifest themselves as warmer (lighter colored) areas that may be nebulous in shape and sometimes mottled in appearance, although they are commonly found in linear or puddle-like shapes. The linear shapes many times follow low areas, drainage routes, roof edges and seams. Puddle-like round or oblong shapes often form around roof penetrations such as mechanical equipment, standpipes, vents and drains. The wet areas are lighter in color because the latent heat (from daylight sunshine) in the trapped water mass is greater than in the dry, functioning insulation or roof substrate. After sunset when the roof structure cools down, wet areas of roof insulation and other wet materials continue to radiate heat because of their mass, higher thermal conductivity, and specific heat capacity, which allows our sensitive infrared cameras to detect the sources of heat and record them for later analysis.